Offer you the most comprehensive and best program for this year an Islamic program
portfolio Aloolualojml Muslim version is that the only size 8 MB
This program makes you online and serves as an Islamic Hard disk you need only to open the program and choose the section you want and then easily choose the article that you want to run to run directly from the internet You can also be loaded easily from the program
You can also download the entire Koran to a reader with a single only to be saved where you want them labeled in Arabic and contains the program which you can record favorite articles that you like and wish to refer to later later
You can run the verses of the Qur'an directly from the program completely at ease and speed of You can also run directly from the program flashes also The program contains a section of the Miscellaneous and Islamic clips
It also contains a section to search for opinions It also contains a section on the various books of Islamic scholars and clerics
You can also run the Islamic channels directly from the program You can also easily search the contents of the program ..Click here to download
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